
  • Research Associate | University of Edinburgh
    • May 2024 - Present, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
    • Research on 3D-aware representation learning.
  • Research Associate (part-time) | University of Bristol
    • Nov 2023 - April 2024, Bristol, United Kingdom.
    • Research on low-light image/video enhancement.
  • Research Intern | MediaTek Research
    • May 2023 - Nov 2023, Cambourne, United Kingdom.
    • Research on diffusion models for image generation.
  • Software Development Intern | Dyson
    • June 2020 - Sep 2020, Malmesbury, United Kingdom.
    • Robotics team.
    • Skills: C++, Python.
  • Hardware Development Intern | Dyson
    • June 2019 - Sep 2019, Malmesbury, United Kingdom.
    • Motor drives team.
    • Skills: MATLAB, Control Algorithms.